Flying - Indoors and Outdoors
Lacey and I have had an insane last 48 hours. Well, really an insane last week. From stressing about wedding photos and worrying about guests traveling. To the actual stress of the rehearsal and wedding day, we needed a few days off to literally just relax. Unfortunately, when we planned our trip 6 months ago, we didn't consider these circumstances. Anyone reading this blog should know why we were really busy last Friday and Saturday. Sunday was a recovery day mixed with opening presents and getting trip stuff ready. Monday was solely focused on printing trip information, finalizing last-minute information, and complete packing. Tuesday morning Lacey and I took my two older nephews to iFly in Minnetonka (by Ridgedale). iFly has a huge wind tunnel that simulates really free fall and skydiving. Lacey and I did it in Denver 3 years ago and we have wanted to take my nephews ever since. We woke up by 7am and made the journey down to iFly. Because of the way we scheduled it, Lac...